Our consultancy services allow us to start from the very beginning with our clients in terms of analysing their location and developing a marketing proposition for them.
Our services include SWOT studies, international and national benchmarking exercises and the development of marketing and communication strategies.
Thanks to our extended network, we are also able to offer image surveys for individual locations and develop bespoke focus groups in order to pre-validate the communication messages we propose for our clients.
Contact us to discuss how our consultancy services can meet your needs.
Case Study: Communauté d’Agglomération de
Cergy-Pontoise (CACP), Paris region, France
The Communauté d’Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise in the Paris region wanted to define its territorial marketing approach and develop a communication strategy, action plan and marketing and lead generation tools.
Location Marketing worked on this project in collaboration with Atout Territoire (Nathalie Mallet).
Over and above their fresh perspective, Louise Gibbons and Nathalie Mallet were able to explain that industry today is innovative and creative, particularly in the Cergy-Pontoise region, and that this is a driving force behind our local economy. Louise and Nathalie particularly impressed us with their operational involvement and their desire to fully implement their recommendations.
Hervé Bolard and Amadine Massé, Director and Deputy Director for Economic Development, Communauté d’Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise